"The First Noel, the Angels did say..." We are all familiar with the song, and we know the lyrics, but what did they really say that night? For answers we turn to the biblical text in Luke chapter 2. Here we have the record of the arrival of Jesus the Christ on earth. Born as a baby. Announced by angels. Adored by shepherds.
"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.'” (Luke 2:8-12)
The impact and value of these words echo in our hearts even today.
"Do not be afraid..." in a world of terror listings, collapsing economies, and social upheaval, we have much to be afraid of in this season of Christmas. Fear is a commodity too often traded on the market of public opinion and social networks. Fear of neighbors who are different. Fear of leaders who are different. Fear of being socially ostracized because we may be different than our physical or digital community. But fear is driven out by the arrival of the Messiah - our savior. So while we may be rightfully cautious of the unknown, we should reflect on what the angel did say..."do not be afraid."
"Good news that will cause great joy..." is the antithesis of fear. It is the exuberant outburst of happiness, contentment, and completeness found in the knowledge of what is being shared by the angel - Christ is here! When was the last time you had news that brought you joy? A good grade on a hard assignment in school? A promotion at work, recognizing your efforts for the company? Test results that showed remission of a disease that you thought would surely overtake you? How our spirits are lifted, our hearts beam with gladness, and our inner light of joy shines for others to see! This should be the resulting action we have when hearing the good, dare I say great, news that Jesus the Christ was born!
"Has been born to you..." To me? To us? Yes! God has put on flesh to live among us! To see, smell, taste, and experience life like us- human. What king would live as a pauper? What giant of enterprise would leave the board room to work the boiler room? What all-star athlete would sit the bench so that he may experience the struggles of a non-drafted walk on? Yet Jesus took off his glorious perfection and put on flesh to show us how much he loves us - loved us all the way to the cross. For me. For you. It's personal.
What the angels did say? What they said is as true today as it was two thousand years ago! We can live a life of great joy, without fear, because Christ is here for you!