It's Friday night. You and that special person in your life have gone out to dinner and a movie. You pick your favorite restaurant and select your favorite meal. All is good with the universe. You couldn't possibly eat another bite. You leave the table content and thankful for the delicious delights. You proceed to drive to the theatre as you continue your night out so you can see that blockbuster everyone has been talking about.
You secure your tickets and enter the lobby of the movie theatre. And then it happens. Mixed with the sensory overload of flashing lights and talkative crowds your olfactory sensors are triggered with the aromatic smell of buttered movie popcorn. Despite the fulfilling meal you just ate, your synapsis fire in your brain telling you that you want that popcorn. No, must have that popcorn. Before you realise what you are doing, your mouth is watering with anticipation and you are at the counter to purchase this salty treat.
Why? Sure, there are scientific reasons of olfactory triggers and conditioned responses; but the bottom line is you hunger after the popcorn. You want it. Once that aroma has been registered by your nose, you begin to dwell solely on it.
So what does this have to do with Jesus?
Well imagine in our busy lives where we fill ourselves to the full with all sorts of distractions that we actually hungered and thirsted after him? In Matthew 5:6 Jesus tells us that "blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness." Jesus is, among other things, the embodiment of righteousness. He is just and good and right in the most holy sense. What if we reacted to Jesus the way we reacted to movie popcorn? What if being in his presence compelled us to have more of him in our lives? He told his disciples in John 6:35 that he is "the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." The beauty of Jesus is that unlike the popcorn we purchase at the movies, the amazing sustenance of life he offers is without cost to us (Revelation 21:6 & 22:17).
What does this look like in our lives? How do we hunger and thirst after him? Get close to him and he will get close to you (James 4:8). Read His Word. Spend time in prayer. Focused, longing prayer that petitions him to be more in your life. Like the things of this world that we love (like movie popcorn), it takes time, interaction, and connection to develop the habit of longing in our hearts which compels us to pursue the one we should be loving above all else. He promises that you will not be disappointed:"Taste and see that the LORD is good!" Psalm 34:8.
Oh, and one last bonus; unlike the movie popcorn bucket, there is unlimited refills with Jesus, so enjoy!