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What to expect...


A casual atmosphere where friendships can form and relationships deepen. A place that is serious about joy, true joy, the kind of joy that comes from real connection with God and others.


Expect to be noticed. Expect people to say something like, “Hi, we haven’t met before, is this your first time?”. Expect for people to reach out to you in love.


We love music, all kinds of music. We use music to show our Lord how much we love and honor Him. We use music to separate ourselves from our daily routine and enter into the presence of God. 


The Bible is God’s truth. At Redemption Community Church we seek to explore, understand and apply God’s truth to our lives at every level in a spirit of love. 


During the 10:00 a.m. service, children 5th grade and younger experience Jesus on their level in their own separate service. RCC Kids is a safe, age-appropriate environment where kids can learn about God and his love for them.


Our middle school and high school students are invited to join us during the main service Sunday mornings, and we have an age specific service for them on Sunday evenings beginning at 5 p.m. The RCC Youth group includes worship, large group teaching, and small group interaction. 


Services last about one hour. We worship with communion (observed first Sunday each month), inspirational songs, the receiving of tithes and offerings, followed by a Biblical message.  


Don’t feel like you have to dress up! Most people wear casual attire, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

CAN I ATTEND IF I’M _____________?
Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, recovering addict, atheist, skeptic, etc. Everyone is welcome at Redemption. So come as you are and we’ll see you on Sunday!


At Redemption, we are seeking to honor the great commandment (love God and others), fulfill the great commission (to make disciples for Jesus), and to equip the great community of believers for the good works God has planned for us! We strive to do this through inter-generational relationships which inspire biblical maturity. 


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